Game Update 1.1

First Update
Player updates: The player has a 3D model and is fully animated. It needs work, but mechanically the animations play (properly, I hope)
Pick ups: New instant health and ammo pick ups will generate around the map at the same places loot drops should be found
Anthracite: Another new pick up with a major focus on changing up the gameplay. Picking up the Anthracite does nothing. But, on a future play through, you may select to use the Anthracite. This will upgrade any equipment slot to do a multitude of things. Pistol shoots thrice, grenades from the grenade launcher freeze, frenzy gets even more super buffed and crazier. Currently the armor variant is not in place.
Settings: New graphics settings have been added. This will allow you to change the resolution and game quality. Currently this is broken and can only allow you to change in and out of Full Screen.
No Armor: When making your load out, you may remove your armor to have the faster speed in place of the extra health.
Art: Assault Riffle, Shotgun, Anthracite, & Mine. There was actually quite a bit more; however, the build does not show this. Our first priority to this next month is to add this art into the game. The missing art includes: updated walls, suicider model, and a full sized generator for a new room.
Bug Fixes: (Mouse and Keyboard only) Grenades will now explode at the target. Ammo reads more cleanly especially with Bertha (chain gun), pathing markers were removed, cleaner main menu UI.
Bugs known
1) Reloading, shooting while not moving, and moving without shooting animations have the player's hand off the gun.
2) Consumables do not have Pick Up floating object.
3) Resolution and Quality settings do not work.
4) The Fodder enemy is in permanent T-pose.
5) Consumables will duplicate the consumable on the ground and remove what you currently have.
6) Pressing E to collect Anthracite removes it from exitance. Use T to take only for now.
Coming Soon
Art: Ranged Enemy Model, Chem Bomb and Chem bomb stand, SMG, and more.
Room Updates: All rooms will have the new 3D art we have made and be have more dynamic options instead of generic repeats
Enemy Animations: For each of the enemy models added to the game, animations are going to follow.
UI Animations: Selecting through the menu will have brief animations to liven up the menus. As well as a mission description.
Get W.R.M.
Rouge - Light Top Down Shooter with Loot
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